Saturday, January 20, 2024

Running With My Wife on Star Wars The Old Republic - Class Missions (not shared, but just being there)

There's something to be said for running together in SWTOR with my wife. She's been playing the game longer than I have been.

We've been running Imp-side for the last few days hoping to get our "Legendary" and get our alts up to a decent level where we can jump off into the Expansions. Our alts, Ravenna (my wife) and Sidonie (me - yes, I'm a male running on a female alt) spent some time working on some of her class missions, where she does the class...I just run around and kill shit.

Ravenna speaking to Keeper.

My Sidonie, doing what she does best...hurting people and aliens.

She's Dark 3 at Level 44. Gotta hand it to someone who loves their job working for the Sith Empire. It's always good to have someone to share this game with and the nice thing is that we don't need to have voice chat on. The conversation takes place inside the room. It's hard when doing heroics and you need to find out what the other person is doing on type-chat - you can get killed in a blink of an eye. Not able to get a nice VOIP/headset yet so will have to keep that in mind eventually.

The best thing though is the company...we're able to help each other out.

Right now, Sidonie is contemplating the darkness both inside her and around her on Taris. The rakghouls should be terrified.

Friday, January 19, 2024

I Hate Voss...

I swear to the Maker, I loathe this planet with every fibre of my being and after Taris, that's saying something. I don't know if it's the "holier-than-thou" attitude of the Voss or their egotistical dismissive behavior, but everything about this planet rubs me the wrong way. What I want to do is go on a whole-sale killing rampage through this planet slaughtering every single Voss I come across.

That's why I'm so looking forward to when Sidonie makes it to Voss. Because she's going teach this blithely unaware blue-skinned, orange-eyed freaks the true meaning of the word "terror".

SWTOR - "Conversations in the Swamp"

Yes, getting majorly into the expansions with Claria. My wife was playing with her alt - Jysera and well, I figured I might as well play Claria in several expansions, including Illum, Shadow of Revan and Knights of the Fallen Empire. So I decided to dive in head-first finally after hemming and hawing about it for ages. Now, I'm into them deep. My wife got me geared up properly and I'm also subbed so I have access to all 1B credits. Evidently I got 600M from my guild-mate who is the primo Guild founder - the one who laid out the dough (the credits to start the guild), which is absolutely awesome so I was able to get kitted out quite well.

Claria is my main and she's one of the 4 who founded the SWTOR guild that we're all in. She's also into crafting so as soon as she has enough skill level to produce a high-level purple crystal, that's what she's going to switch to, rather than her green. In fact...all my alt are going to dawn purple crystals - since that's our guild color. Except Jerad Yun (Keron's brother). He's going teal green because he's contrary.

Conversation in the Swamp

The pauses between dialogue in cutscenes is perfect to intersperse some dialogue that I want in my AU story-line.

Some More SWTOR Screenshots

Star Wars The Old Republic

My Jedi Consular

My Sith Inquisitor

SWTOR - The Latest Adventures with NikkeiSimmer's Claria Redsun.

SWTOR Graphics Appear To Look Better (with LOTS Expansion 7.0).

At least to my 52 year old eyes. Holy crow - I'm getting high-resolution graphics from this game that I used to only get when I cranked my settings on my potato up to full. I got some shots of Claria on her ship and Jerad Yun (a new character I've decided to play to test out the new character creation features on SWTOR with the advent on the new expansion module. Right now he's finished Tython and Coruscant and he's now on Taris.

If it looks this good in Tython, I wonder what it will look like on Alderaan.

After Word: Evidently this messed with the levels of the final Chapter 3 base-storyline bosses in SWTOR. Now evidently they're so easy to roll over, you might have a tougher time with the L50 underbosses that you fight before you meet up wih the big-bosses.


Fixer 308 facepalm - that's when you know that life just turned to shit.

Why my Jedi Consular Will Never Have Romantic Interactions With Her Companions.

She just brutally put down Tharan Cedrax when he tried to flirt with her. Poor Tharan’s nursing burns right now.

Having lost the one who has her heart to the Dark Side - he was once a Padawan but ended up choosing the Dark path and going on his own to Korriban, she seeks to bring him back to the light in an endless search.

Claria Redsun misses Keron Yun deeply. She cannot move on until she finds him and either puts an end to his darkness (by killing him) or brings him back to the light.

Some shots from my SWTOR game

Star Wars The Old Republic

Oh, Claria...

She's always so helpful.
While my Sith Assassin is a homicidal maniac.

Wait a second??? was quite unintential...I tell you.

I seem to have this thing for creating redheads in both SWTOR and Sims 3 - Well, River McIrish is EA created, but I did the edit (makeover) on her.