Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Starting a new Sith Inquisitor (Light Side)

Background on Marek’arin’alem – born within the Chiss Ascendancy, her parents were diplomats. When she started showing signs of Force Powers, her parents were alarmed as the Chiss were thought of Force users as abominations. Unfortunately this meant that she was cast out of Chiss society and forced onto the streets. After stumbling around from the age of 3 for two years, she was rescued by a Sith who noticed her Force powers and, unusually, instead of killing her outright, took pity on her and rescued her and brought her to Korriban to either be trained as a Sith or die trying.

Unfortunately that single act of “pity” had a great effect on Marek’arin’alem and caused her to believe in the natural goodness of people. This will end up with her becoming the target of Overseer Harkun and the other dark side Sith who sense in her what they consider a weakness that needs to be weeded out. An outcast from the Chiss to an outcast in the Sith ranks, she needs to keep her wits about her or end up dead.

After arriving on Korriban, she met up with the initiates that were a part of the Sith Apprentice trials.

Stepping off the shuttle she was rudely brushed aside by a Red Sith by the name of Ffon. An absolute arrogant piece of work.

She fought down her anger and the resultant urge to strike him down and realized that, perhaps, there must be some good in him. But Ffon was not so charitable.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Meanwhile in an Alternate Universe...(the love-story so far of Keron Yun and Lana Beniko)

Keron is getting hot n' heavy with Lana... ~evil smirk~

...the first kiss...just after Manaan...

Well...attachments are OK according to the Sith. Passion is part of the Sith Code. And Keron appears to be getting very passionate about Lana's lips...

And behold, who appears to get Keron out of carbonite but his beloved Lana. She spent five years scouring the galaxy for him after he got cold-frozen by Arcann.

Like any lovelorn woman, she doesn't want to immediately let it be known that she loves Keron after all...even though she's a Sith Lord and the Sith Empire's Minister of Intelligence, she's still doesn't like rejection.

Grudging admittance between two Sith Lords, a member of the Dark Council and the former Sith Empire Minister of Intelligence, that they do have feelings for each other.

Lana...finally admitting to herself that she loves Keron and she can't live without him. That she'd tear Sanctuary apart if he isn't back in a reasonable amount of time.

...and finally admitting to Keron...that she loves him deeply...

Can't wait to see how this fully develops. Have to get through (KOTFE) Knights of the Fallen Empire first and then on to Knights of the Eternal Throne (KOTET). Evidently it is a love-story that eventually ends in a marriage proposal to Lana...so it's gonna be interesting.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Crafting: Confusion in Set-up.

OK...I think I've set my "crafting" toons up neatly. I have fully set up my crafters for Pub-side.

These are my Fabricators (the ones who make the stuff) for the Eridium Cartel-side...

O'za - Cybertech
Kiriala - Biochem
Dava - Armormech
Claria - Artificer
Mayal - Synthweaving
Satoru - Armstech

These Collectors are for when my sub goes down to Preferred. Since I lose ONE of my collecting skills, I end up using these four collectors to do crew skill missions to make up the difference. Which is why I'm planning to get all of these up to a full 600 in order to be able to collect craft mats at all levels.

Jerad - Scavenging/Investigation
Miria - Scavenging/Archaeology/Treasure Hunting
Osuna - Slicing/Underworld Trading
Meiara - Bioanalysis/Diplomacy

Since all of them do a combination of what is needed and you can only have two crew-skills when unsubbed. These are going to be my heavy collectors when I'm unsubbed.

Then I'll probably have to do the same on ImpSide when our Imp Guild gets going. Right now we have a name for ImpSide (The Seraph Cartel).

Monday, February 5, 2024

Move is over; Back to playing SWTOR

Having moved on the 28th of January into a new place, we're now in the process of settling in and recovering from the move. Having finished Legendary on my Star Forge, I guess my next step is to go ahead and start creating characters that I can get my Legendary on Satele Shan, the other server that I play on.

For now, I've been concentrating on Star Forge, since it's my primary guild server. After all, it's the one where I can do the most for my guild and be able to hit some high CQ Points (Conquest Points), but occasionally, I do play on the Satele Shan server just because I want to make some more characters.

Still getting a feel on how I'm going to work this blog. The general "What's the Inebriated Kowakian Monkey Lizard blog gonna be all about?" after all, I need to keep things interesting. Is it gonna be "Get to know my toons better"? Or do I post SWTOR fanfiction on here? Who knows? All I know is that this is the beginning stages of this blog and I'm having a blast playing SWTOR. And hopefully we'll, as our Eridium Cartel guild grows, I can add a bit more stuff to this with relation to the guild activities itself.

With Claria at Level 80 and geared for Conquests at 324 rating; I'm seriously thinking of doing the Hyde and Zeek missions to level up her gear to 340 rating. But I've only really scratched the surface with my knowledge of SWTOR and its many facets to gameplay. And I'm sure that there's much more still left to be discovered. I'm not a PvP kind of guy, and even though I really like fighter aircraft in FSX and DCS(World), I'm a bit leery on the game mechanics of SWTOR Starfighter. We're a bit too small of a guild right now to start thinking about "Operations" which require at least eight people, preferably sixteen or more, in the guild to commit to running operations every so often. And we're not that kind of a guild that hammers members to commit countless hours of their day to meeting "guild requirements".

When our Imp-Side of the Guild gets up, we're hoping that there are some more who will want to join us. As for me, I have several Imps that require a home and will get one when our Imp-side goes operational.

The meme above would be perfect for those who join the guild who are interested in forming a PvP group.

Been busy with working on some of my lower-end characters on SWTOR, getting them through their class and planetary missions. I've been sort of skipping the exploration missions. Probably come back to them at a later point when I can max out my points and XP and hanging out on the guild flagship and doing a lot of crafting to get my crafting skill up.

I did Section X to get HK-51 as a companion. He's a downright riot with some of the comments he says as a companion

but the finding droid parts was a royal pain. My wife and I teamed up on that and we both managed to complete that and get HK-51. Helps to have a spouse to play SWTOR with.

I was running with Sidonie here and my wife's Chiss Imperial Agent, Ravenna Carys. HK-51 was my companion on this run, but he was standing behind Ravenna Carys.

I am a bit bagged from the move so updates will come slowly. I've been playing a bit on each character leveling them up as I go along. So they may be finished by the time our Imp-Guild gets up and running. I am going back and doing daily heroics so that I can level my characters up to L75.

Hopefully, there's a DoubleXP event around the corner so I can get some XP boosts. ~evil smirk~

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Running With My Wife on Star Wars The Old Republic - Class Missions (not shared, but just being there)

There's something to be said for running together in SWTOR with my wife. She's been playing the game longer than I have been.

We've been running Imp-side for the last few days hoping to get our "Legendary" and get our alts up to a decent level where we can jump off into the Expansions. Our alts, Ravenna (my wife) and Sidonie (me - yes, I'm a male running on a female alt) spent some time working on some of her class missions, where she does the class...I just run around and kill shit.

Ravenna speaking to Keeper.

My Sidonie, doing what she does best...hurting people and aliens.

She's Dark 3 at Level 44. Gotta hand it to someone who loves their job working for the Sith Empire. It's always good to have someone to share this game with and the nice thing is that we don't need to have voice chat on. The conversation takes place inside the room. It's hard when doing heroics and you need to find out what the other person is doing on type-chat - you can get killed in a blink of an eye. Not able to get a nice VOIP/headset yet so will have to keep that in mind eventually.

The best thing though is the company...we're able to help each other out.

Right now, Sidonie is contemplating the darkness both inside her and around her on Taris. The rakghouls should be terrified.

Friday, January 19, 2024

I Hate Voss...

I swear to the Maker, I loathe this planet with every fibre of my being and after Taris, that's saying something. I don't know if it's the "holier-than-thou" attitude of the Voss or their egotistical dismissive behavior, but everything about this planet rubs me the wrong way. What I want to do is go on a whole-sale killing rampage through this planet slaughtering every single Voss I come across.

That's why I'm so looking forward to when Sidonie makes it to Voss. Because she's going teach this blithely unaware blue-skinned, orange-eyed freaks the true meaning of the word "terror".