Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Starting a new Sith Inquisitor (Light Side)

Background on Marek’arin’alem – born within the Chiss Ascendancy, her parents were diplomats. When she started showing signs of Force Powers, her parents were alarmed as the Chiss were thought of Force users as abominations. Unfortunately this meant that she was cast out of Chiss society and forced onto the streets. After stumbling around from the age of 3 for two years, she was rescued by a Sith who noticed her Force powers and, unusually, instead of killing her outright, took pity on her and rescued her and brought her to Korriban to either be trained as a Sith or die trying.

Unfortunately that single act of “pity” had a great effect on Marek’arin’alem and caused her to believe in the natural goodness of people. This will end up with her becoming the target of Overseer Harkun and the other dark side Sith who sense in her what they consider a weakness that needs to be weeded out. An outcast from the Chiss to an outcast in the Sith ranks, she needs to keep her wits about her or end up dead.

After arriving on Korriban, she met up with the initiates that were a part of the Sith Apprentice trials.

Stepping off the shuttle she was rudely brushed aside by a Red Sith by the name of Ffon. An absolute arrogant piece of work.

She fought down her anger and the resultant urge to strike him down and realized that, perhaps, there must be some good in him. But Ffon was not so charitable.

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